rwa token

RWA Tokenization Racing Towards Trillions U$D

July 14th, 2024                                                                                                                             Written by  Jordan Gitterman


The Real World Asset (RWA) tokenization sector is still in its early stages but it has been gaining momentum in recent years and exponentially so in the past few months. The market has seen the tokenization of various tangible assets, including commodities, fine art, and real estate. In the last couple of months, many traditional financial instruments such as stocks and bonds have been tokenized. Use cases include lending, borrowing, swapping, staking, and fractionalizing assets, such as art and real estate.

The involvement of big names such as Bank of America, Citi Group, HSBC, Franklin Templeton, Microsoft and Vanguard who have announced or have brought projects to the market tokenizing industrial assets and securities, respectively, demonstrates the growing adoption of asset tokenization in the enterprise sector. The world’s largest asset manager BlackRock’s BUIDL token, which U.S. Treasuries back, has surpassed $500 million in market capitalization in just four months time.  Blackrock also recently announced plans to tokenize the stock market. These lofty developments have emboldened more asset management firms to tokenize their assets.

Current Market Size

According to McKinsey, Inc the RWA Tokenization sector’s market capitalization was 1.8 billion dollars in 2018 with the current capitalization market estimated to be over $6 billion. In June 2024 Cointelgraph estimated RWA Tokenization’s market capitalization to be 8 billion. The tokenized gold market has captured over $1 billion in investment, and the combined market capitalization of tokenized money market funds is nearing $500 million. The market capitalization of commodity-backed tokens has surpassed $1.1 billion, as reported by CoinGecko’s RWA Report 2024.

The space is starting to disrupt various industries, including gaming, energy, collectibles, and real estate, and is beginning to transform the existing financial infrastructure, increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and optimize supply chains. A report from McKinsey begins by stating that tokenized financial assets are moving from pilot to at-scale deployment. indicates that the total value of tokenized treasuries as of July 4, 2024, is $1.79 billion rising over 216% in the last year. MakerDAO announced on July 11th they will invest $1 billion in tokenized U.S. Treasury offerings which will increase the tokenized treasuries market capitalization by another 55%.

Lynn Wang of BeinCrypto reports: DeFi (Decentralized Finance) platforms are leveraging RWA tokenization to connect to the established financial system.  Hamilton, a startup specializing in real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, has announced the tokenization of the first US Treasury bills on Bitcoin layer-2 (L2) solutions, including Stacks, Core, and BoB.

This milestone signifies a major step towards integrating traditional finance with the Bitcoin ecosystem, enhancing the accessibility and tradability of stable, government-backed assets within decentralized finance (DeFi) networks.


Forecasted Growth

The potential for growth in the RWA tokenization sector is significant. Experts are forecasting  trillions of dollars in tokenized digital-securities trade volume by 2030.  Based on McKinsey’s analysis the total tokenized market capitalization should reach at least $2 trillion by 2030. They expect future growth this decade will be driven by adoption from mutual funds, lenders, issuers of bonds and exchange-traded notes (ETN), financial institutions and alternative funds. estimates that the market for tokenized assets could grow to $10 trillion in this decade as traditional financial institutions continue to adopt blockchain technology. Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) prognosis of the RWA Tokenization market is $16 trillion by 2030. Standard and Charter’s projects that by 2034 the market will be 30 trillion with about 16% of it, 4.8 trillion dollars, from trade finance Other reports from large well known organizations forecast the RWA Tokenization sector’s market cap will be in the trillions of dollars.


Conclusion and Final Thoughts:

Now there are billions of dollars worth of financial assets being tokenized by marquee financial players. The increasing involvement of major financial institutions working on huge projects, such as BlackRock and Apollo Global Management, will help to legitimize and accelerate the adoption of real-world asset tokenization.

The growth of RWA tokenization projects and DeFi platforms incorporating these assets will continue to shape and merge the financial and digital landscape in the coming years. Trillions of dollars are slated to be directed to the tokenization of the financial markets.

What about all of the other markets? Mainstreet? Inventories, supply chains, etc, they too will be tokenized.

One can see the magnitude of this trend and conclude that it is paradigm-changing. Imagine the loss of “old” jobs and opportunities for “new ones”. When the supply chain and inventories are tokenized one will search a blockchain explorer rather than an internet explorer. How will RWA Tokenization affect how goods, services and money are exchanged?

The tokenization of real-world assets through the use of blockchain technology presents a clear path toward making numerous assets more valuable, accessible, and useful.

Currently, the most important topic regarding real-world asset tokenization is the increasing adoption and innovation in the field, particularly in the areas of asset-backed composability, interoperability and regulatory clarity. How well these areas are handled will answer our question of how many trillions of dollars will be deployed into RWA tokenization and how long will it take.




AI and blockchain Convergence will advance Direct Trade

12 Ways AI and blockchain Convergence will advance Direct Trade

Imagine a world where trading directly with anyone, anywhere is smooth, safe, and secure. That’s the future AI and blockchain are building for direct trade (think peer-to-peer, or P2P).

The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technology can revolutionize direct trade (AKA peer-to-peer trade, P2P), making it more efficient, secure, and accessible. Here are some ways AI and blockchain will advance direct trade:

•    Tokenization:

Blockchain-based tokenization allows for the creation of digital tokens that represent assets, making it easier to locate and then eventually trade and exchange goods and services. AI can help facilitate creating and managing these tokens, ensuring that they are discoverable, secure, and transparent.

•    Explorer Platform:

While few assets are tokenized and, therefore difficult to trade for each other, the trend is that many will be. Initially, their tokenization on a dedicated platform will provide the positive attributes of Web3. All data is treated equitably relieving some of the impediments such as unfavorable algorithms, SEO rankings, and the necessity to advertise. Explorer platforms will provide discoverability, a description, and other details embedded in the token’s metadata.

•    Valuation:

AI’s analysis of the metadata of tokens representing assets (goods and services) such as what it is available, where it is located, its price, etc. provides the ability to extrapolate their value in different marketplaces; IE different geographies.

•    Decentralized Marketplaces:

As many assets are tokenized AI-powered decentralized marketplaces will connect buyers and sellers enabling them to trade goods and services directly. These marketplaces built on blockchain technology provide immutability and ensure that all transactions are secure and transparent.

•    Smart Contracts:

AI-powered smart contracts can automate the negotiation and execution of trade agreements, ensuring that all parties involved agree and are satisfied with its terms and conditions. These smart contracts can be programmed to automatically execute trades, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of disputes.

•    Predictive Analytics:

AI-powered predictive analytics can help identify supply and demand patterns, market trends of products involved in a transaction, and direct trade behavior. This data enables transactors to optimize their trading strategies and make informed decisions.

•    Automated Trade Facilitation and Execution:

AI-powered bot agents can scour the blockchain for tokens that are for sale and propose multi-party trades. Upon acceptance, there is automated trade execution ensuring that transactions are completed quickly and efficiently.

•    Increased Transparency:

Blockchain technology provides a transparent and tamper-proof record of all transactions, ensuring that all parties involved in a trade agreement can trust the system.

•    Reduced Counterparty Risk:

AI-powered smart contracts can reduce counterparty risk by ensuring that all parties involved in a trade are committed to the agreement, reducing the risk of default or non-performance.

•    Global Market:

Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence technology can enable global direct trade, allowing businesses to connect with customers and suppliers from around the world.

•    Increased Efficiency:

AI-powered bot agents and explorer/trade platforms can automate many of the tasks associated with traditional trade, such as proposing numerous multi-party trades and negotiations. Upon consensus where all parties acceptance of a trade contract drafting and trade execution can be automated increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

•    New Business Models:

AI and blockchain can enable new business models, such as peer-to-peer lending, decentralized finance, ratings of issuers of tokens, etc. which can create new opportunities for businesses and individuals to participate in direct trade.


The combination of AI and blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the concept of direct trade, making it more efficient, secure, and accessible. By automating the negotiation and execution of trades, reducing counterparty risk, and increasing transparency, AI and blockchain can help businesses and individuals to trade goods and services more effectively.


Written By Jordan Gitterman.


There is a widespread mental block happening regarding a paradigm shift on the horizon. The sea change coming will flood your office, your home, your schools and your community shops.

The change may begin with inflated currencies that make prices out of reach. Some say at this point there will be a gold rush. Some say to farm your own food. But what really may happen is that people and business may learn to barter using web3 tech. When we have the information about What is available, Where, at What price then we can barter. The information alone is the currency. We’ll need this.

The mental block is that we need some kind of other thing in the middle of transactions like dollars or gold.

How am I able to be an author of this claim? I traded (practiced barter) for more than twenty years at every level of distribution even international. I’m not a farmer. I do know what it feels like to trade for absolutely everything (not counting energy or gov’t services.)

When business can tokenize (make NFTs) their inventories or quantified services with a protocol that specifies What the inventories are, Where they are and at What relative Price, then we can make Information Currency in web3.

So how are we all going to find this market of Information Currency? AI of course. Item Banc technology is specifically working toward this. Come visit our protocol page The bigger picture is in the book, The Language of Value, 2022.

Written by:

Virginia B Robertson.

NFT Paradigm Will Shift

We should appreciate the gamers who brought us the chocolate-covered candy NFTs. Now its time for dinner. Now it’s time for businesses to use this NFT token technology for real.

Enter, ITEM.

Enter, Item Banc, Inc.

Enter, the Item Banc Engine.

Truly almost all blockchains are ready for the dinner course of Real World Asset (RWA) tokens. But what organization is hiring salespeople to call on businesses about this? What company is pushing business to tokenize their inventories?

There may be tokenization in the works for houses, properties, documents, and financial instruments. Some technologies are working on supply-chain tracking using tokenization.

The new paradigm shifts when businesses understand the need to be present in web3. It will. Soon. Item Banc, Inc is setting up to be there to service businesses who are ready to tokenize their inventories. This is an open profit center for other web3 tech-training companies as well.

Item Banc initially focuses on tokenizing business inventories that qualify as Basic Human Need (BHN) items. The reason for the focus is that the market data derived about the relative values of these items around the world is fodder to the Item Banc Engine. The Engine is built to create a baseline to compare the relative value of currencies around the world. From this baseline we can have a springboard into a new Value system, and a new Value paradigm.

written by

Business Capital

The Future Role of Banks in Business Capital Manifestation

The future “atom bomb” of crypto is not, in my opinion, that terrorists will use crypto and other bad actors will use privacy platforms to move money.

I use the reference “atom bomb” because I believe that the original scientists and inventors that split atoms may not have had war games in mind. Nuclear technology can be used for good, for energy, but bad actors can always harness these things.

Starting from the beginning, it is most evident that business inventory assets will soon be moved to the blockchain. Yes, these assets can be traded, but my focus is how these assets can be capitalized for business credit directly on the blockchain and by banks. The financial sector has some catching up to do first. Banks, partnering with companies like Vaultlink, can manage crypto for their customers, and can use crypto rails like Ethereum to move funds quickly, reliably, and securely. But next up on their agenda will be to partner with businesses to tokenize their assets to secure business loans. Using new valuation technology like Item Banc, based on comparables, these real-world asset inventories (the industry’s RWA lingo) can be used as leverage for loans.

The opportunity to tokenize business inventories is as powerful as new nuclear energy. It is the essence of the process of capitalization, which as the greatest economist (IMO), Hernando DeSoto indicated, was the reason that the “first world” stepped ahead of other developing economies.

The bad actors of crypto, like scavengers, may end up to be our own governments. The governments tax whatever capital they are aware of. Businesses will give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and this can be acceptable, except for the fine-tuned instrument of Valuation. I have capitalized “Valuation”, as I do in my book, The Language of Value, because this is the critical piece that may determine whether the new capitalization brings war or peace.

Will we capitalize the Value of business inventories based on the dollars that governments force as tender? These dollars continue to be inflated to pay years of central bankers slight of hand at interest rate hacks.

In my opinion, the peaceful solution to our new amazing blockchain technologies that will lead to the capitalization of products and services, is to make a new base of Value. We can make a base of Value by commoditizing a set of basic human needs used around the world. From this we can create Value to currencies, not the other way around. Peace can arise from the simple formulas of purchasing power parity. Lets use our technologies for good.


Written by:

Virginia Robertson.

Rise to a Free, Open, Discoverable Market Place

Let us all rise to a free, open, and discoverable MARKETPLACE.

I have something to say that I don’t hear tech prophets saying about how this new marketplace can and will happen:

In the near future, when nearly all Information about What is available for sale at market, Where, and at What price is tokenized, AI agents will be at your service to deliver to the buyer whatever market information is needed based on this tokenized Information Currency.

All properly tokenized information about What is available Where at What price will be free, open and discoverable in a new type of MARKETPLACE that none of us have ever seen.

What is currently interrupting this development? In my opinion, there may be an expectation by the RWA “Everything will be tokenized” prophets. Some of the web3 tech prophets may hold an assumption that every inventory item that is tokenized will initially be traded as a token. But maybe the tokenized inventory has value simply from its information about what is available where at what price.

What one learns in barter is that the information IS the market. It is the simple information about What is available for barter, Where, at What price that makes a marketplace. This Information is the Currency.

I believe that a business that makes a token which represents a Real inventory item SKU that is available to market is leveraging a fantastic way to advertise!

Will we create a roadblock to advancing tokenization of real world inventories if an expectation is set that these tokens must initially be traded? What if society has not yet learned how to accept that trading the token means transferring the asset? Also, to be realistic, are there currently enough inventory control and sales order systems that can connect a token transaction to a physical asset? I think the sales order and inventory control systems will catch up, yes, but for now lets take a first step to create an open, free, and discoverable marketplace. By this I mean a marketplace that provides tokenized information about inventories and quantifiable services: What is available, Where, at What Price… just like an ad. These RWA tokens do not need to be traded, initially, to make a market.

Can AI agents just scrape the web2 internet for that? Yes maybe for some of that. But by tokenizing on web3 the seller can control the information about what they have available to market, where, and at what price. This is what I believe us web3 tech prophets should be selling… tokenizing real world assets and quantified services for a new marketplace where Information is the Currency.

I wrote a whole book about it. The Language of Value. More about ITEM at

written by:
Virginia B Robertson

ITEM Standard: A proposed method to identify tokenized business inventories and services, on the blockchain.

A proposed method to identify tokenized business inventories and services on the blockchain:

  1. The “tokenID” of any business inventory or quantified service would be “ITEM”.
  2. The “name” field would be the most generic and universal name of the item or service.
  3. The “description” field would represent detail such as brand or SKU of the item or service
  4. The “What” field would include metadata indicating industry specific information such as SKU, unit of measure, link to the business page, etc.
  5. The “Where” field would include metadata indicating city, state, country, zip
  6. The ‘What Price” field would include the currency sign and the price in that currency.

The blockchain-agnostic ITEM standard seeks to achieve information about What is available, Where, at What Price in order to build Information Currency. The goal of these standards is first to create a discoverable marketplace.

Further, the Item Banc team has been working since 2018 to create relative value information to markets. This information at base is intended to be a safety net as inflated currencies fail to deliver fair value to markets. Our first dApp focused on the relative value of fourteen basic human need items in 110 countries. Human validator teams in these countries entered information in the database. The Item Banc Engine algorithms compared these baskets of goods by country in order to create valuation to currency. The business model rewards human validators with tokens, which can be redeemed in turn for information from the Engine.

If you would like to participate in the project or have a voice related to the proposed standard, please comment, or write

To read more about Information Currency, check out my book, The Language of Value, published in 2022.

item banc vacation

Item Banc’s Valuation Technology for Smarter Travel Budgeting

International travel is a thrilling experience, but navigating fluctuating exchange rates and unfamiliar price points can create budget anxiety. Travelers frequently overestimate or underestimate the true cost of goods and services abroad, leading to financial surprises and suboptimal spending decisions. Item Banc’s valuation technology offers a solution, empowering travelers with actionable insights for more predictable and stress-free vacations.

item banc vacation

The Volatility Problem: Why Currencies Make Budgeting Hard

Traditional reliance on currency exchange rates for travel budgeting presents several limitations:

  • Inherent Instability: Exchange rates are inherently volatile, influenced by a wide array of factors including macroeconomic trends, geopolitical events, and speculative market forces. Rates can change significantly between when a trip is booked and the actual travel dates.
  • Lack of Tangibility: Even with up-to-date exchange rates, travelers often struggle to intuitively grasp the true purchasing power of their currency in a foreign destination. This leads to uncertainty and can result in overly conservative spending habits.
  • Hidden Costs: Travelers routinely encounter hidden costs in the form of currency conversion fees, ATM charges, and merchant markups on foreign transactions. These opaque costs further erode the predictability of a travel budget.

How Item Banc’s BHN Baseline Changes the Game

Item Banc’s technology disrupts conventional budgeting by introducing a set or basket of Basic Human Needs (BHN) items derived into indices as a universal benchmark for value. This curated basket of essential goods, spanning categories like food, basic building materials, hygiene products, and more, calculated into indices establishes a globally consistent point of comparison.

Here’s how it functions:

  • Global BHN Price Network: Item Banc’s decentralized network of validators continuously collects and verifies local prices for BHN goods in various currencies across the globe. This establishes a real-time map of relative costs for the things people need to survive.
  • Purchasing Power Parity in Action: Item Banc incorporates economic principles like Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to translate and analyze BHN price data. PPP allows for a more meaningful comparison between currencies by factoring in the relative cost of living in different locations.
  • Travel-Centric Applications: The core valuation data is translated into user-friendly tools. Imagine a mobile app that shows the “BHN equivalent” for various trip expenses –– hotel rates, restaurant prices, transportation, or even specific goods you might want to buy.

Illustrative Scenario:

Consider a traveler from the US planning a trip to Thailand. Item Banc’s technology could provide insights like:

  • Real Purchasing Power: A basket of BHN goods in Bangkok might have the PPP equivalent of $50 USD. This indicates what a traveler’s daily spending power truly is, irrespective of fluctuating USD/THB exchange rates.
  • Price Comparisons: A meal priced at ฿1000 Thai Baht is roughly equivalent to $25 USD in terms of BHN purchasing power. This simplifies decision-making and helps identify expensive outliers
  • Budgeting with Confidence: The traveler can set a “BHN budget” with the assurance that their spending aligns with expectations, regardless of short-term currency movements.

Potential Disruptions for the Travel Industry

Item Banc’s technology holds the potential to reshape various aspects of the travel industry:

  • Tour Pricing Transparency: Travel packages could be priced in BHN terms alongside traditional currencies, giving consumers a clearer picture of the true value they are getting relative to other destinations.
  • Destination Attractiveness: Travelers might become more sensitive to the BHN cost of living in certain locations, influencing destination choices beyond conventional “expensive” or “cheap” labels.
  • Local Service Valuation: Local service providers (guides, drivers, etc.) could utilize BHN comparisons to advocate for fairer compensation, especially in destinations where currency devaluations may not be fully reflected in traditional pricing.

Limitations and the Road Ahead:

  • Validator Network: Item Banc’s system’s accuracy and robustness depend on a widely distributed and reliable validator network.
  • User Adoption: Widespread adoption of BHN budgeting may require shifts in consumer behavior and new tools that seamlessly integrate with existing travel planning platforms.


Item Banc’s approach stands to empower travelers with a new kind of financial clarity. Its focus on tangible measures of value reduces currency-related stress,  encourages informed spending, and ultimately makes for more relaxed and enjoyable travel experiences.

Is Buying Local Really Cheaper? Redefining "Cost" with Item Banc's Valuation Engine

Is Buying Local Really Cheaper? Redefining “Cost” with Item Banc’s Valuation Engine

The “buy local” movement has gained significant traction in recent years. Its proponents cite advantages like supporting local economies, environmental sustainability, and potentially fresher produce. One often-assumed advantage is cost – the perception that locally sourced goods inherently equal lower prices. However, a deeper economic analysis reveals this isn’t always the case. Item Banc’s first-of-its-kind global parity valuation engine offers a framework to re-evaluate the true cost of “local” and the factors influencing this cost beyond just geographical proximity.

Traditional Price Formation: Limitations and Distortions

In conventional market models, the price of a good is determined by the intersection of supply and demand. Local markets often see constrained supply, potentially leading to inflated prices despite reduced transportation costs. Moreover, factors like:

  • Input Costs: Land values, labor wages, and local regulations strongly influence the cost of production, often varying substantially between regions.
  • Market Inefficiencies: Smaller local markets might lack robust competition, potentially keeping prices higher than they would be in more competitive environments.
  • Hidden Costs: Local products may contain less tangible costs externalities like reduced carbon emissions or ethical labor practices. These are rarely reflected in the price tag compared to cheaper mass-produced alternatives.

Item Banc’s BHN Baseline: Price Transparency Beyond Currency

Item Banc’s valuation engine introduces a new lens by establishing a baseline anchored in Basic Human Need (BHN) products. This curated set of essential goods (food staples, basic building materials, etc.) becomes a universal reference point for value. By tracking BHN product prices across various locations, Item Banc sheds light on:

  • True Purchasing Power: What quantity of BHN goods can a given currency purchase in different locations? This reveals the real cost of living, independent of fluctuating currency exchange rates.
  • Comparative Production Costs: If producing a BHN item is significantly more expensive in one area versus another, those costs are likely to be passed on to other locally produced goods, even if they are not directly within the BHN category.
  • Localized Distortions: Item Banc’s data can expose regional price anomalies in BHN products themselves. This could indicate market inefficiencies, logistical bottlenecks, or artificial price controls.

Case Studies: When “Local” Isn’t Synonymous with “Cheaper”

For illustrative purposes, let’s consider hypothetical scenarios inspired by real-world situations:

  • The Urban Farm Stand: A farmer’s market in a major city might offer seemingly “expensive” organic produce. However, an Item Banc analysis could reveal that considering that region’s higher land and labor costs, those prices are closer to the true cost of BHN goods compared to an imported, conventionally farmed alternative.
  • The Island Community: Limited production capabilities and high shipping costs often make essential goods more expensive in island locations. Item Banc makes this tangible – would “buying local” save residents money if their local production is priced significantly higher than the BHN baseline?
  • Manufactured Goods: A locally-made garment might be more expensive than a similar mass-produced import. Yet, Item Banc’s insights could factor in ethical labor standards not always accounted for in traditional pricing models. 

Empowering Consumer Choice: Beyond Simple Price Tags

Item Banc doesn’t aim to declare whether “local” is definitively cheaper or more expensive. Rather, it democratizes valuation information. Consumers equipped with this knowledge can make more informed choices factoring in:

  • Affordability relative to Real Income: Is a local product within reach given the true purchasing power in that location?
  • Value Alignment: Are a consumer’s values (sustainability, community support) reflected in a seemingly “higher” local price?
  • Opportunity Costs: Does buying a less expensive imported good create hidden costs, potentially reflected in future BHN price fluctuations?

Conclusion: Rethinking Value

The simple question, “Is buying local cheaper?” holds unexpected complexity. Item Banc’s valuation engine helps move beyond simplistic answers toward nuanced economic understanding. It empowers consumers, businesses, and policymakers to consider factors beyond immediate price tags, fostering a fairer and more transparent marketplace.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Information Currency: Bridging the Gap

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Information Currency: Bridging the Gap

As businesses embrace the transformative power of blockchain and decentralized systems, the synergies between DeFi and Information Currency emerge as a dynamic force reshaping how value is exchanged and managed. In this piece, we will explore the convergence of DeFi and Information Currency, unraveling their intricacies and envisioning the potential they hold for the financial ecosystem.


   I. The Foundation of DeFi: Decentralized Systems

At the core of the DeFi revolution lies the fundamental principle of decentralization. DeFi leverages blockchain technology to create a financial ecosystem that operates outside the traditional banking infrastructure. Through smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps), users gain unprecedented control over their assets, enabling a peer-to-peer exchange of value without intermediaries.

  1. Information Currency: A Paradigm Shift in Valuation

Parallelly, Information Currency introduces a paradigm shift in how we perceive and exchange value. Developed by Itembanc, this innovative approach leverages a core set of “basic human needs” (BHN) as a universal standard of value. The aim is to establish a transparent, real-time valuation system that transcends the limitations of traditional currencies, providing a framework for businesses to tokenize their inventories and services.

III. Synergies Between DeFi and Information Currency

  1. Tokenization of Assets:

At the intersection of DeFi and Information Currency lies the concept of tokenization. DeFi enables the tokenization of various assets, allowing them to be represented as digital tokens on the blockchain. Information Currency, in turn, provides a standardized pattern for tokenizing inventories and services. The synergy between these two approaches creates a streamlined process for businesses to represent real-world assets on the blockchain and establish a transparent valuation system.

  1. Real-Time Valuation and Market Dynamics:

DeFi and Information Currency converge in their commitment to real-time valuation. DeFi systems operate in a dynamic environment, adjusting asset values based on market demand and supply. Information Currency, with its focus on BHN, introduces a similar dynamic by utilizing market data and demand trends to adjust item values in real-time. This synergy ensures that assets, whether financial or tangible goods, are valuated with a sensitivity to market conditions, fostering efficiency and fairness.

  1. Decentralized Marketplaces:

The marriage of DeFi and Information Currency is evident in the emergence of decentralized marketplaces. These platforms leverage DeFi principles to create trustless, peer-to-peer exchanges of assets, while Information Currency ensures a standardized method of valuing these assets. The result is a decentralized marketplace ecosystem where participants can engage in transparent, fair exchanges, free from the constraints of traditional financial systems.

  1. Technical Implementation: Smart Contracts and Beyond
  1. Smart Contracts as Enablers:

Smart contracts, a cornerstone of DeFi, play a crucial role in the technical implementation of Information Currency. These self-executing contracts automate the processes of token creation, transfer, and valuation adjustments based on predefined rules. Businesses can leverage smart contracts to seamlessly tokenize their inventories and services, ensuring that every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable audit trail.

  1. Decentralized Oracle Networks:

To bridge the gap between the decentralized world and real-world data, decentralized oracle networks become instrumental. DeFi relies on oracles to bring external information, such as asset prices, into smart contracts. In the context of Information Currency, oracles can play a pivotal role in providing real-time data on BHN values, ensuring that the standardized valuation system remains responsive to global market dynamics.

  1. Challenges and Opportunities
  1. Scalability and Interoperability:

As the marriage of DeFi and Information Currency gains momentum, challenges related to scalability and interoperability emerge. Scaling decentralized systems to accommodate a growing user base and ensuring seamless interaction between different blockchain networks are critical hurdles that the industry must address. Solutions such as layer 2 scaling and cross-chain compatibility are actively being explored to overcome these challenges.

  1. Regulatory Considerations:

The evolving landscape of DeFi and Information Currency also brings forth regulatory considerations. As these technologies challenge traditional financial norms, regulatory bodies are scrutinizing their implications. Striking a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring compliance remains a delicate task for businesses operating in this space.

  1. The Future Landscape: Web3 and Beyond

The convergence of DeFi and Information Currency sets the stage for the future landscape of finance, often referred to as Web3. This vision encompasses a decentralized, interconnected ecosystem where value is exchanged seamlessly, and financial processes are governed by transparency and fairness. The amalgamation of DeFi and Information Currency is not merely a technological progression; it is a paradigm shift in how we conceptualize and navigate the financial world.


In the complex dynamics of decentralized technologies, the fusion of DeFi and Information Currency emerges as a potent force reshaping the financial industry. As businesses traverse this uncharted territory, the synergies between decentralized financial systems and transparent, real-time valuation mechanisms become the driving force for innovation. The journey towards a decentralized financial future, underpinned by Information Currency, is not just a technical odyssey; it is a transformative narrative that promises a future where the financial landscape is defined by efficiency, fairness, and unparalleled opportunity.