Token Distribution and Token Sale Timeline

Timeline Detail on Token Distribution and Token Sale schedules

Instructions and contact address at

Item Banc is selling 51 % (510,000,000) of its Information Currency tokens for 150,000 ETH, at 0.0005 ETH (1ETH= Information Currency) per Info Currency token
Ether and Bitcoin accepted in the token sale at the start of the token sale.

Pre-Announcement: April 24, 2018
Pre-Token Sale Date: May 11 – May 25, 2018
Token Sale: Sept 26-July 26, 2018



Token Sale Terms

Token Distribution

Token available for trading on exchanges: Within 7777 days and 30 days from end of token sale.

Target on Crowd sale: $40 million

Table - Soft close

Hard close

Hard cap

Total Token Supply: 777 000 000 Information Currency of which:

40% Coin Development
40% Item Banc Federation
10% BHN Stock and Operations
5% Advisors, Grants, Partnerships
3% Community via Air Drop
2% to cover token sale

Current sale before Pre-announcement:

200% Bonus (Minimum amount 100 ETH)

Bonus offers:

Pre-Token Sale Bonus: 150 % Bonus (Minimum amount 30 ETH)
Token Sale Bonuses:
Tier 1 (1 Day): 50%,
Tier 2 (next 3 Days): 20%,
Tier 3 (next 7 Days): 10%
Tier 4 (until end): Offer price

Use of Proceeds

30% Open source software development
20% Legal Expenses, Licenses (FCA, SEC, etc.)
15% Marketing and Business Development
5% Operational Expenses
15% Real Estate Fund
15% Crypto Assets Fund

Closed Fundraising, Pre-ICO and ICO Conditions

Total Investors Supply: 543 900 000 Information Currency (70%)
Closed Fundraising: 15 540 000 Information Currency (2%)
Pre-ICO: 23 310 000 Information Currency (3%)
ICO: 505 050 000 Information Currency NOUS (65%)